Susan Dolan Reed
Distinguished Alumni
Class of 1968

Susan Dolan Reed

The Honorable Susan Dolan Reed graduated from Alamo Heights High School in 1968. She received an Economics degree from the University of Texas at Austin and earned her Doctor of Jurisprudence from the UT School of Law.

Susan began her career as Assistant District Attorney for Bexar County. She moved briefly to private practice before returning to her true passion - public service. Here, she was elected District Judge to the 144th District Court, where she presided over both criminal and civil cases. Later, she was elected District Attorney for Bexar County, making her the first woman ever to receive the role.

Throughout her career, Susan has been appointed to special roles by multiple Texas governors. She served on the Criminal Justice Policy Council under Governor Bill Clements and the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board under Governors George W. Bush and Rick Perry. She also co-chaired Governor Rick Perry's Anti-Crime Commission.

Susan has lent her legal expertise to multiple organizations, serving as a board member for the National District Attorney's Association, a board member of the Council of State Governments Justice Center, and President and Chairman of the Texas District and County Attorney's Association. She has testified before both the U.S. Congress and the Texas Legislature on criminal justice issues.

Steadfast in her advocacy for victims' rights, Susan has supported organizations like Family Violence Prevention Services, The Children's Shelter, and Girls Inc. She has received numerous honors, including the Bexar County Pioneer Award, the Eastside Community Honors Award, and an induction into the San Antonio Women's Hall of Fame. She currently serves as a Senior Judge for the 4th Judicial Region.